Advocacy - Clarity Assessments
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Although it is goal of all parents and educators — to provide rich academic and social experiences —  in order to raise children into competent adults, disagreements can arise between these two very invested parties. Clarity Assessments endeavors to insure that all children receive the education appropriate for their needs.


Clarity Assessment uses sound psych-educational practices, to determine needs, and recommend scientifically based interventions, to improve learning. Additionally, existing programs of support, such as IEPs or Sections 504 Plans, maybe examined. All assessments are first aimed at improving student learning, but when there is a disagreement between how best to meet those needs, Clarity Assessment strives to bring families and school staff back together. Sometimes all it takes is an interested third-party, with a fresh perceptive, to bring parents and educators into a collaborative partnership again.


To learn more about the advocacy available through Clarity Assessments please contact [email protected].