Know Who We Are - Clarity Assessments LLC
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About Us


Courtney Ratliff, NCSP, Ed.S.

Nationally Certified School Psychologist

Courtney is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. She also holds an Illinois School Support Personnel Professional Education License (PEL) in School Psychology.  Courtney earned her Educational Specialist in School Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater in 2007 and has been licensed in Illinois since 2006. Through her practice in the public schools of Chicago’s northwestern suburbs, she has gained a wealth of experience enhancing the education of children. She accomplished this through accurate educational, intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral diagnostics as well as the implementation of research-based interventions for school-aged children; including children of any ability and from linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic, diverse backgrounds.


With Clarity Assessments, Courtney supports school districts and parents with valid psycho-educational assessments and consultative services. She specializes in supporting school districts through staffing shortages and short-term leaves to ensure a continuity of care as well as compliance. Her goal is to help school districts provide the appropriate service needed to help exceptional children thrive.


To learn more about the services she provides, email Courtney Ratliff, Ed. S., NCSP at [email protected].


Trevor Bosack

Business Manager

With Clarity Assessment, Trevor is responsible for invoicing school districts as well as transmitting the appropriate documentation for submission for reimbursement from Medicaid. Trevor also maintains scheduling and responds to general requests. Contact Trevor Bosack to learn more about Clarity Assessments and information about specific billing, email [email protected], or [email protected].