FAQs for Parents - Clarity Assessments
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What services can Clarity Assessment provide for students?

Parents of exceptional children often question how to meet their child’s intellectual, academic, social, and emotional learning. As a school psychologist, with over a decade of experience in the public schools, Courtney has expertise in individualized assessments as well as a deep understanding of the education system. Whether a child needs an IEP, 504, or grade acceleration, this combination of diagnostic skill and institutional knowledge enables her to give parents solid educational recommendations to support their child’s learning.

How will this information be shared with my child’s school?

Each situation is as unique as the student. Families can choose to share as much or as little of this information with the schools as they choose. After testing is completed, Clarity Assessments will provide parents with a written summary of testing, which can be share with the school or not. Additionally, if parents would like Courtney to collaborate directly with school staff, this can also be done after an exchange and release of information has been signed. Courtney is also willing to attend IEP, 504, or other educational planning meetings at the student’s school at parent’s request.

What is a School Psychologist?

School psychologists are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community. (reference and link to NASP)

When and where are services typically provided?

Assessments are most often completed at a public library; typically, in a study room at a convenient library. Most assessments are completed on Saturdays.

Do parents need to stay for the entire evaluation?

Yes, parents stay during the entity of the assessment. However, parents are not needed to participate and are encouraged not to remain in the room for testing. Therefore, it is a good idea for parents to bring a book, laptop, or tablet with them.

How can I prepare my child for testing?

The only preparation is a good night’s sleep and a good meal before testing. The assessments are designed to measure skills and ability which cannot be practiced. Additionally, it is a good idea to let your child know that some items will be easy and some with be hard, and that all they need to do is try their very best.

How long will testing take?

Testing typically takes several hours, but can be divided across a few sessions. The length of sessions can be discussed and tailored for the needs of each individual student.

How long will it take to get results?

Once testing is completed, it should take approximately 1 to 2 weeks to write a summary report and to schedule a meeting to go over results.

Is Clarity Assessments covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, Clarity Assessment is not able to bill insurance at this time. Courtney is a school psychologist and not a clinical psychologist. Therefore, her licensing is through the Illinois State Board of Education and not the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation making her service ineligible.  Although, Clarity Assessments is not covered under insurance, Courtney is sensitive to budgets and offers parents affordable rates.

How to contact Clarity Assessments?

For additional information on services, fees, scheduling as well as other questions, contact Clarity Assessments by email at [email protected].